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My Demon, a new Korean drama

by lovegaag 2023. 11. 22.

The drama "My Devil" depicts the story of a guardian deity who turns into a devil but meets a woman he loves and returns to the guardian deity. The story revolves around the contract marriage between the devil "Saving Won, " who built a dessert company and rose to the top of the industry in just seven years since college, and the heiress Dohee.


"I'm married to a job. I have no interest in men at all."

What is this handsome rock?


The drama premiered on the evening of November 24, 2023.
Broadcasting time: Friday/Saturday 10 p.m
Genres: Romantic comedy, fantasy, drama
Planning: Lee Kwang Soon
Director: Kim Janghan, Kwon Dasom
Written by Choi Ah-il
Episode: 16
Streaming: Netflix, Wave
The series was planned by director Lee Kwang-soon, Kim Jang-han and Kwon Dasom, and the screenplay was written by Choi Ah-il. There are a total of 16 episodes that can be streamed on Netflix and Wave.


Kim Yoojung's Star Channel

마이데몬 김유정



Songgang official site

06071 서울특별시 강남구 도산대로 102길 17 (청담동 54-3) TEL : +82. 2. 3444. 1919 / FAX : +82. 2. 3444. 1570 17, Dosan-daero 102-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea


Intention of the plan.

Generally, the human perception of a demon is confined to the image of a seductive yet malevolent being, provoking desire. However, the term 'demon' holds a distinct meaning. Originating from the ancient Greek word 'daiomai', meaning 'to divide destiny', it initially symbolized a human guardian spirit. As time passed, its meaning was distorted to represent a devil. 'My Demon' is a creative narrative exploring the transformation of this 'guardian-turned-devil' back into a guardian upon encountering his beloved. Our demon, 'Salvation', exists to form contracts with humans. He establishes a contract, specifically a marriage, with Dohee, a wealthy heiress reminiscent of 'a devil donning Hermes'. Overcoming differences is a challenge even among humans, and for them, they must transcend disparities beyond being a demon and a human, or a man and a woman, experiencing various dissimilarities, from personality and values to preferences like 'dipping' vs 'pouring sauce'. Their romance is fraught with challenges, yet it is their very struggles that make their story heart-fluttering. In English translation and summarization, with slight modifications to avoid duplicate content: The common human understanding of a demon is typically centered around the idea of an enticing yet evil figure, stimulating desires. Yet, 'demon' carries a unique connotation, rooted from the ancient Greek word 'daiomai' - 'to divide fate', initially signified a human's protective spirit. Over time, this sense evolved into a devilish interpretation. 'My Demon' delves into the imaginative plot of a protector turned devil, returning to his guardian role upon meeting his love. Our demon, 'Salvation', is purposed for forming contracts with humans. He enters into a contract, a marriage to be precise, with Dohee, an heiress akin to 'a devil in Hermes'. Navigating differences is challenging even among the same species, and for them, they're tasked to overcome disparities spanning from a demon and a human, a man and a woman, encountering a myriad of dissimilarities from personalities, values to even preferences like 'dipping' or 'pouring sauce'. Despite the tumultuous path of their romance, it's their trials that make their love story all the more exhilarating.


Introduction of characters

Dodo-hee (Kim Yoo-jung))

Dohee, the solitary heiress of Future Group, can be likened to a 'Salt Latte' - a character blending unique charms. As the head of Future F&B, she is reminiscent of a Salt Latte's distinct fusion of sweetness and saltiness - she's tough yet tender, fragile yet resilient. Her alias is 'Dorahee in Dododohee's disguise', stemming from her apparent haughty elegance contrasted by her abundant eccentric traits. Brought up as a stranger among Cheonsook's children, she perceived the world's principles early on, leading to her somewhat cynical perspective towards love and happiness. Her life's aim is straightforward - 'To become indispensable.' She's lived self-disciplining towards this goal. However, issues surface when she encounters Salvation - her heart flutters as if an alien from a different world trying to grasp the languages of cats and dogs. She's drawn to him, yet they seem incompatible. "Do you think I'd flutter seeing someone like you?" Despite uttering these words, she finds herself quivering in his presence. She's clueless on handling such emotions. The story unfolds intriguingly, doesn't it?

Jung Koo-won (Songgang)

Jeong Guwon is akin to a 'warm iced coffee' - seemingly cold yet exuding warmth, possessing such allure. He relishes his work, adhering to the philosophy that while life might be unjust, contracts are equitable. He prides himself as a 'capability-deprived demon', appearing as a lottery to humans. "Would you endure a hellish existence for heaven, or prefer a heavenly life destined for hell?" Can you respond to his simplistic question? His solitary aspiration is to become a 'predator', delighting in immortality. He asserts his distinction from the 'insignificant humans'. This was his ability, until he encountered Dododohee. Guwon, having posed as a board member of Sunwol Foundation for over two centuries, underwent name changes. Observing his name alterations, people remarked, "One can't steal seeds." His ninth name was Jeong Guwon, and his impending fate as 'Jeong Shipwon' is vexing. "Why did I commence the name as Jeong Ilwon…" Subsequently, he met an eccentric woman named Dododohee. She described his name as sweet, akin to faux sweetness of artificial sweeteners. All these narratives are about Song Kang, the main character of the drama 'My Demon'. What kind of adventures can you anticipate??

